Thursday, 9 May 2013

5 Best Things You Can Do To Prevent Hair Loss

Alopecia is medical term used for various kind of hair loss diseases. Surgical and non surgical treatments are available to prevent baldness. Ayurveda hair loss treatment is best and economical way for health hair growth.

Most of the people lose up to 50 to 100 hairs daily. This problem is seen more in old age men and women. People may also lose suffer from Alopecia if they are suffering from some hormonal diseases like thyroid. Chronicle diseases is also one of the main reason of this problem. Other very common reasons are genetic cause, stress, lack of nutrition and dirty scalp. Some time baldness problem is occurred due to intake of some kind of medicines. Lots of cosmetic surgical therapies are available these days for preventing baldness. However these therapies are costly.  

Ayurvedahair loss treatments is beneficial in many cases. The other name for hair loss in Ayurveda ispitta dosha”. This problem occurs in men and women because consumption of nutritious-less food such as excess amount of tea, coffee, sugar, non veg dishes and fast food.

Healthy diet:

It is significant to prevent bad eating habits to enhance pitta on your scalp area. Healthy diet enriched with fiber, protein, vitamin,iron and minerals are beneficial to prevent baldness. Drinking plenty of water is very essential for Pitta nourishment and flush out the bad toxins from the body. Carrot,Alma and spinach juice are very beneficial for healthy scalp.

Home based Herbal remedies:

There are so many home based remedies for preventing bandless. Sufferers can adopt any one according to its problem and scalp skin type. Applying aloe Vera gel or pigeon pea pulse is effective way to treat Alopecia. Henna can also be applied in scalp as it is one of the best natural conditioner of hair. Mix coconut oil with lemon juice is very beneficial for preventing Pitta loss from scalp. These natural hair loss solutions produces best result without harming scalp.

Herbal oil:

This is one the best and most effective method to prevent baldness. Hot oil massage twice a week is effective to prevent baldness. Select Vitamin E rich natural oil for massaging your scalp. Ayurvedic hair oil that has extract of amla is excellent conditioner for dry scalp. Amla conditioner is very effective for strengthening hair roots.

Meditation and Yoga:

Yoga and meditation is good practice for rebalanced body . If the main cause of baldness is stress and tension, meditation is perfect solution. This solution is also suitable in hormonal imbalance conditions. Sarvangasana is the best asanas from preventing baldness. It improve the circulation of blood in body. However it is significant to learn such kind of asanas from trained yoga teacher.


Antioxidants protect our body and head scalp from free radicals that cause harmful disease like heart disease, cancer and many more. Antioxidants are found in many foods.
You can apply green tea bags on the scalp to prevent Alopecia.